Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Going National: A Weekend with NeW

Written by: Krista Chavez, President

For the ladies of NeW, expression of our own idealisms is everything. This not only goes for us women at AU but for all members across the nation. Although I am the NeW at AU Chapter President, I am also privileged to call myself a NeW National Intern. I have the opportunity to work alongside incredible women like NeW founder and president Karin Agness and her team. This is my account of the experience I had at the 2015 Network of enlightened Women (NeW) National Conference at The Heritage Foundation.

On Wednesday, June 24th, AU member Elysia Martin and I met a few other NeW college women for dinner at Qdoba Mexican Grill. Although it may seem quaint and simple, it was one of the best events of the weekend. Here, we were able to connect with women personally about their universities, personal lives, and political views. We had an interesting time discussing these topics because we were all from such different backgrounds and beliefs but connected by the movement towards conservatism. This was the tone of the conference: to connect women from around the world to different ideas and perspectives.

During the conference itself, women (and men, for that matter) joined together of all ages to listen to four different discussion panels about women in the workplace, professional development, what young women today desire, and public policy. We also heard speeches from several women: Karin Agness, Kirsten Powers, Fox News Contributor and author of The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech (she is a Democrat who has previously worked on Clinton campaigns), Kristen Soltis Anderson, co-founder of Echelon Insights and author of the new book The Selfie Vote: Where Millennials are Leading America (And How Republicans Can Keep Up), and Katie Pavlich, NeW Alumna, Fox News Contributor, and best-selling author of Assault and Flattery: The Truth About the Left and Their War on Women. Listening and networking with these women who have extraordinary credentials and are experts in their respective fields is not only inspiring, but empowering. Also, Carly Fiorina gave a special video message to the ladies of NeW, for Carly has been a long-time friend of NeW and a crusader for the empowerment, not victimization, of women.

During the Friday events at the conference, I also had the opportunity to greet our featured speaker, Kirsten Powers, to the conference before she delivered her message. It was exciting to have a woman of different political beliefs speaking. She is an outspoken advocate for freedom of speech even for people who do not align with her on issues. In her book The Silencing, Kirsten discusses how she interprets liberalism and how true liberals are supposed to represent all different types of free speech, including cultural conservatism. When speaking with Kirsten, her and I discussed different situations of liberalism at American University. She was fascinated by how NeW is beginning to gain traction at the university. Speaking with her reminded me that the support of speech is necessary for a democracy to survive.

For my own personal experience, the most memorable event of the conference was the Invitation-Only Monocle Dinner on Thursday night with NeW supporters and donors. Along with me attended AU Founder Rebecca Gonzales and member Elysia Martin. I had the opportunity to sit next to Kristen Soltis Anderson who had delivered a speech at the actual conference a few hours before the dinner. She had this poise and kindness about her, and I enthusiastically got to know her. We spoke about similar topics that I had discussed with the other chapter leaders such as our family background, current personal lives, career goals, and political beliefs. The lesson I learned is simple: these people are just real human beings that are trying to make a difference in the world just like we are. We are all exploring our places in the world whether it be in Washington or in small-town Indiana. Kristen inspired me to make the best out of my time in Washington because she began her career in DC similar to me and so many other young, intelligent women  I know. Women like Kristen Soltis Anderson and Kirsten Powers stand as models for women's empowerment and inspiration.

The NeW National Conference is a time for our AU Executive Board to explore ourselves as young professionals. The NeW National Organization provides women with the resources to learn about themselves and different women around the world. As an individual, I am so blessed to participate in this organization, and I cannot wait to take our Executive Board's experiences back to NeW at AU. 

To become a member of NeW at AU, please email your contact information to

Like us on Facebook: /NetworkofEnlightenedWomenAmericanUniversityChapter
Follow us on Twitter: @NeWAmericanU
Follow us on Instagram: @newatau

Here are some chapter pictures from the conference:

NeW leaders with Katie Pavlich, Amber Smith, and Kristen Soltis Anderson

NeW Conference Group Photo

AU Member Elysia Martin

Alex and Kiah on The Heritage Foundation Rooftop

AU Executive Board Members (minus Becca who was traveling to England)

NeW interns with Katie Pavlich ( I am the little blonde one in the middle)

Kirsten Powers delivering her special address

Kirsten Powers and Krista at the Conference

NeW Leaders at dinner on Wednesday night

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