Hi everyone! My name is Paige Lisicki and I am ecstatic to serve as the President of NeW at AU this coming school year. Last year, I served at NeW at AU’s Outreach Coordinator. I’m from Saratoga Springs, New York and I am a rising sophomore. I’m a Law and Society Major, and I’m graduating a year early, in 2018. Academically, I’m interested include the law, the Constitution, and education policy and I plan to attend law school after graduation, studying constitutional law.
This summer, I am interning at NeW National in DC. Not only am I learning more about NeW as a whole, but I’m also learning how to be a better president for our members. I cannot express enough how much this organization means to me and I hope it means just as much to you! Interning at NeW has only increased my love for this organization. Who said you can’t be conservative and pro-woman? Who said that we’re the party of old, white, privileged men? We’re the party fighting for the principles our nation was founded on and protecting diverse individuals from over-reaching government.
NeW at AU has grown in leaps and bounds since its founding only 3 years ago. I want to continue down that path. I want our organization to grow and to inspire intellectual diversity on our campus. We are pro-women conservatives and we will be heard on this campus.
Check out more pictures of Paige:
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