Thursday, August 25, 2016

Why Going Back To School In College Is The Best Thing Ever.


As summer comes to a close, it’s time for us to pack our bags and head back to the District. If you’re like me, that means saying goodbye to old friends and family, cramming as much as I can into the back of my mom’s SUV, and counting down the days until I’m back at AU.

The reasons why I’m looking forward to being back at AU are plenty, but here are some of the first things that come to mind:

Reuniting with college friends.
If you’re like me, most of your friends from AU live all over the country (or, in some cases, the world). For those four summer months, I won’t have the opportunity to see most of my friends from school so I always am counting down the days until I’ll get to see them again! There’s nothing quite like the friendships you make in college.


Having something to do.
Sure, being at Club Lib for 15 hours a day sucks, but at least it’s more productive than sitting in your basement and watching Netflix.


The food.
I don’t understand why people hate on TDR as much as they do. It’s an abundance of food that’s available whenever I like and I don’t have to cook. I don’t see what the issue is.


Living in close proximity to all your friends.
Seriously. When else will you live down the hall (or at the most, down the street) from all your closest friends? Or in this case, maybe you even live in the same bed. I don’t judge. Either way, it’s great.

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Living in an awesome city.
Enough said.



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