by Paige Lisicki, Recruitment Coordinator
It’s that time again; the last weekend before midterms. You’ve put off studying until this weekend like the rest of us, and now you’re panicking because you are absolutely NOT prepared.

It’s that time again; the last weekend before midterms. You’ve put off studying until this weekend like the rest of us, and now you’re panicking because you are absolutely NOT prepared.
But don’t worry! Here are some tips you can take this weekend to get you in tip-top shape for midterms next week:
1. Leave your dorm room. Seriously. If you’re in your room, you are likely to take a nap or watch Netflix. And no, you will not have to analyze Parks and Rec for your Comparative Politics midterm. So go somewhere quiet, like SIS, off campus, or floors 2 and 3 of Club Lib. But if you decide to go to the 3rd floor of the library, be prepared to roll out at 7pm when the frat boys roll in.
2. Remind yourself that you know the information. If you don’t believe, you won’t achieve. Simple as that. But if you don’t know the information, own up to it and then work hard to understand it.
3. Turn off your phone. It’s a huge distraction! But it’s okay to text your roommate/best friend and ask them to inspire you and tell you “You can do it!”
4. Now it’s time to start studying! Brainstorm ideas – create an outline – rewrite your class notes – create a lot of flashcards.
5. As you’re studying, remember it’s all about you and the best way for YOU to study. Just because someone studies well one way doesn’t mean you should study that way too. So do what’s best for you!
6. At some point, you will begin to crash.
7. We’ve all been there, but instead of sleeping during your study time, instead get up and dance around. Because endorphins stimulate your brain and that’s key in studying.
8. Study, study, study. That’s what this weekend is for!
9. But when it comes down to it, remember to sleep. Especially the night before your exam. You’ll thank me later.
But then remember that Spring Break is next weekend, so all you have to do is get through this weekend and this week! You got this!!