Thursday, September 8, 2016

Get the Scoop about NeW at AU #NeWScoop

Welcome to campus, New Eagles! And welcome back to our returning Eagles. If you're reading this, you've most likely heard a little about Network of enlightened Women. Wanting to learn more? You're in luck. NeW at AU will be hosting a fall kick-off ice cream social on Sunday, September 11th at 1:30pm in MGC 203-205. 

Here are the reasons that you should join us and get the scoop about NeW at AU:

1. Learn about the nation's premier organization for conservative university women

Founded at the University of Virginia in 2004, Network of enlightened Women educates young women on conservative values, cultivates a community in which to discuss and strengthen these values, and emboldens young women to speak out on campus and in their communities. At AU, NeW offers conservative women the opportunity to hear a perspective that is often neglected in the classroom and on campus. By attending NeW meetings, students strive to promote intellectual diversity and freedom of opinion.

2. Find out how you can get involved in DC

By getting involved with NeW at AU, not only do you have the opportunity to get involved on-campus through weekly meetings, on-campus speakers, and social outings, but you also have the opportunity to participate in NeW National events in DC! In the past, our members have participated in quarterly book brunches, attended speaking engagements with leading conservative women including Carly Fiorina, networked and interned with non-profits and government agencies, and volunteered at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at the National Harbor. The opportunities in the Nation's Capital are endless, so get involved! Upcoming NeW National events include Danger Close: A Talk with Amber Smith, former U.S. Army Kiowa Warrior helicopter pilot and air mission commander, on September 14th, the 12th Annual Leadership Dinner featuring Ginni Thomas on September 29th, and Fall Brunch on October 22nd.

3. Meet other AU women who share your same values

By coming out to the NeW at AU kick-off event, you'll be able to connect with AU students who share similar values and beliefs. Friendships made through NeW at AU go beyond weekly meetings and last for life!

4. Cool off with a sweet treat!

The high for this weekend is supposed to be in the mid-90s! If the other reasons to come out to the NeW at AU Fall Kick-Off have not convinced you yet, get out of the sun and see for yourself!

See you on Sunday!

Upcoming 2016-2017 Events with NeW at AU:
September 11 - Fall Kick-off Ice Cream Social
September 14 - Coffee Date with NeW at AU
September 21 - Tentative First Meeting
October 5 - "Fall"-ing for NeW S'mores Event
October 21 - Cupcake Social
November 2 - Election Townhall
November 16 - Friendsgiving

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Why Going Back To School In College Is The Best Thing Ever.


As summer comes to a close, it’s time for us to pack our bags and head back to the District. If you’re like me, that means saying goodbye to old friends and family, cramming as much as I can into the back of my mom’s SUV, and counting down the days until I’m back at AU.

The reasons why I’m looking forward to being back at AU are plenty, but here are some of the first things that come to mind:

Reuniting with college friends.
If you’re like me, most of your friends from AU live all over the country (or, in some cases, the world). For those four summer months, I won’t have the opportunity to see most of my friends from school so I always am counting down the days until I’ll get to see them again! There’s nothing quite like the friendships you make in college.


Having something to do.
Sure, being at Club Lib for 15 hours a day sucks, but at least it’s more productive than sitting in your basement and watching Netflix.


The food.
I don’t understand why people hate on TDR as much as they do. It’s an abundance of food that’s available whenever I like and I don’t have to cook. I don’t see what the issue is.


Living in close proximity to all your friends.
Seriously. When else will you live down the hall (or at the most, down the street) from all your closest friends? Or in this case, maybe you even live in the same bed. I don’t judge. Either way, it’s great.

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Living in an awesome city.
Enough said.


Friday, August 12, 2016

Meet Paige

Hi everyone! My name is Paige Lisicki and I am ecstatic to serve as the President of NeW at AU this coming school year. Last year, I served at NeW at AU’s Outreach Coordinator. I’m from Saratoga Springs, New York and I am a rising sophomore. I’m a Law and Society Major, and I’m graduating a year early, in 2018. Academically, I’m interested include the law, the Constitution, and education policy and I plan to attend law school after graduation, studying constitutional law.
This summer, I am interning at NeW National in DC. Not only am I learning more about NeW as a whole, but I’m also learning how to be a better president for our members. I cannot express enough how much this organization means to me and I hope it means just as much to you! Interning at NeW has only increased my love for this organization. Who said you can’t be conservative and pro-woman? Who said that we’re the party of old, white, privileged men? We’re the party fighting for the principles our nation was founded on and protecting diverse individuals from over-reaching government.
NeW at AU has grown in leaps and bounds since its founding only 3 years ago. I want to continue down that path. I want our organization to grow and to inspire intellectual diversity on our campus. We are pro-women conservatives and we will be heard on this campus.

Check out more pictures of Paige:

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Meet Kayla

Hello everyone, my name is Kayla Kennedy! I am excited to serve as the Vice President of NeW at AU for the 2016-2017 school year. I hail from Saint Louis, Missouri and I strongly believe that the Cardinals are the best team in baseball! I am a rising sophomore, majoring in Law and Justice with a concentration in counter-terrorism and security studies. NeW is an outstanding organization that has given women, including myself, a space to voice ideas and opinions that are not typically found on AU’s campus. I look forward to growing NeW and seeing all that we can accomplish as an organization. We are a conservative force to be reckoned with!

My academic interests include the study of legal theory, our Constitution, and compliance associated with government’s regulation on businesses. This summer I worked on Jay Ashcroft’s campaign, who is now the republican nominee for Secretary of State in Missouri. This fall I am interning at The American Conservative Union. CPAC is my absolute favorite event so I couldn’t be more excited about this opportunity!

I look forward to meeting all new and returning students this fall who are interested in learning more about NeW. Your interest means a great deal to me and I hope you consider becoming a member of such a strong group of women!

Check out some pictures of Kayla:

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Meet Lizzy

Hi all! My name is Lizzy Racke and I’m super excited to be NeW at AU’s treasurer for the upcoming semester. I’m most recently from Columbus, Ohio (Go Bucks!) but was raised in Dallas, Texas (Go Aggies!). I’m a rising Junior, double majoring in International Relations and French. Thus far in my collegiate career I have interned for both members of the House and the Senate, volunteered on multiple campaigns at both the State and Federal level, and have a strong interest in US Foreign Policy. On campus, I’m also the secretary for the Catholic Student Association and a member of Phi Mu Fraternity.

NeW has played a crucial role in my time at AU thus far. I’ve met most of my closest friends through NeW, and couldn’t imagine my college experience without them. NeW is an organization of strong, compassionate, and driven women. Despite our differences in beliefs and opinions, this coming from the chapter’s token Democrat, NeW allows me to have an open dialogue with women of all beliefs, on issues that affect women.

If you’re looking for an accepting, strong, and ambitious group of women, then I hope you’ll consider joining NeW at AU. My time in NeW has been extremely rewarding and I hope to be able to share the NeW experience with more women this upcoming academic year!

Check out some pictures of Lizzy:

Monday, August 8, 2016

Meet Rebecca

Hi everyone, my name is Rebecca Malone, and I am thrilled to return as Communications Director of NeW at AU! Originally from Wilmington, Delaware, I am a rising senior in the SIS Global Scholars Three-Year Program, and I am majoring in International Studies with a thematic concentration in U.S. Foreign Policy and National Security, a regional concentration in Europe, as well as a minor in Political Science and a French Language Translation Certificate. I am very happy to be a part of such a strong group of conservative women, and I can’t wait to see what the 2016-2017 academic year will bring!

My academic interests are homeland security, intelligence, and counterterrorism. Last summer, I studied abroad at Pembroke College, University of Cambridge, in the United Kingdom where I took classes in Western National Security and Peace Building, as well as completed an independent research supervision. Additionally, in the past, I have interned with U.S. Senator Tom Carper and the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security.

This summer I will be living in DC, interning with the Department of Defense, and figuring out my post-grad plans for when I graduate in December. When I am not working this summer I intend to make progress on my reading list, explore the city, visit some new museums (my favorites include the National Gallery of Art, Hirshhorn, Renwick, and National Portrait Galleries) and learn how to cook in my new apartment!

Happy Summer, and I look forward to working with NeW at AU once again!

Check out some pictures of Rebecca:

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Getting Through the Weekend Before Midterms as Told by Leslie Knope

by Paige Lisicki, Recruitment Coordinator

It’s that time again; the last weekend before midterms.  You’ve put off studying until this weekend like the rest of us, and now you’re panicking because you are absolutely NOT prepared.  

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But don’t worry! Here are some tips you can take this weekend to get you in tip-top shape for midterms next week:

1. Leave your dorm room. Seriously. If you’re in your room, you are likely to take a nap or watch Netflix. And no, you will not have to analyze Parks and Rec for your Comparative Politics midterm.  So go somewhere quiet, like SIS, off campus, or floors 2 and 3 of Club Lib. But if you decide to go to the 3rd floor of the library, be prepared to roll out at 7pm when the frat boys roll in.

2. Remind yourself that you know the information. If you don’t believe, you won’t achieve.  Simple as that.  But if you don’t know the information, own up to it and then work hard to understand it.  

3. Turn off your phone. It’s a huge distraction! But it’s okay to text your roommate/best friend and ask them to inspire you and tell you “You can do it!”

4. Now it’s time to start studying! Brainstorm ideas – create an outline – rewrite your class notes – create a lot of flashcards.
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5. As you’re studying, remember it’s all about you and the best way for YOU to study. Just because someone studies well one way doesn’t mean you should study that way too. So do what’s best for you!

6. At some point, you will begin to crash.
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7.  We’ve all been there, but instead of sleeping during your study time, instead get up and dance around. Because endorphins stimulate your brain and that’s key in studying.

8.  Study, study, study. That’s what this weekend is for!

9.  But when it comes down to it, remember to sleep. Especially the night before your exam.  You’ll thank me later.

But then remember that Spring Break is next weekend, so all you have to do is get through this weekend and this week! You got this!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Conservative Response to Karl Rove Backlash

The Network of enlightened Women at American University (NeW at AU) and American University College Republicans (AUCRs) seek to promote a constructive community of conservatives at AU that speak freely and openly about their beliefs in a welcoming environment to empower each other to pursue goals and dreams.

The rhetoric that recently emerged regarding our event to host Karl Rove with the Kennedy Political Union (KPU) sparked a whole series of angry responses by people who disagree with him, claiming that his presence, “discredit(s) valid political intellectualism.” Regardless of one’s opinions regarding Rove, who is seen as favorable and unfavorable across all political ideologies, he is still considered one of the most influential political strategists of our time.

We very proud to bring different conservative speakers to create a message that encourages free speech, intellectual diversity, and civil discourse among all AU students. A person must hear from all sides of the issues in order to form a proficient argument.

We do not choose the path of conservatism because it is "convenient." To dissent from pressure to conform to a certain ideology is difficult and why we exist as organizations. We uplift each other and debate in an environment where we do not insult each other's intelligence or undermine each other's abilities. We are bringing in Rove in February to speak from a different position than what is usually torted on college campuses. There is nothing wrong with hearing a different point of view, and we hope that all critics and supporters will join us to create a constructive discussion about political strategy.

Krista Chavez and Stuart Algood
Presidents of NeW at AU and AU College Republicans, respectively

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Happy NeW Year: Becoming a Better Leader in 2016

By: Rebecca Malone

Happy NeW Year, ladies! Welcome back to campus and another exciting semester with Network of Enlightened Women at American University.

Just as the new year is a time for setting resolutions, this spring, NeW at AU is all about self-development! Our meetings and events will all focus on becoming better women overall. Network of Enlightened Women seeks to foster the education and leadership skills of conservative women. This includes becoming better friends, better students, better professionals, and, most importantly, better leaders in our communities.

To kick off our semester, we asked some of our members to describe their idea of a strong leader.  A leader has many strong traits; however, our ladies at NeW at AU describe leaders as…

1. Having Strong beliefs and Perseverance : It is no surprise that us women here at NeW have strong beliefs and we’re not afraid to share them!  Many of our members agreed that a strong leader must be confident in their beliefs and passionate about creating meaning change based upon what they believe is right.

“A strong leader is confident in their beliefs and is willing to act on them.” –Emily Curtis, Freshman

“Leadership is sticking to and taking action on beliefs that you are passionate about, no matter how unpopular they are.” –Annamarie Rienzi, Sophomore

“I believe a strong leader is someone who strongly stands up for what they believe despite what people say. The strongest leaders that I've met truly believe in their causes and invest in others who agree.” –Becca Gonzales, Junior

“A leader is someone who stands up for one's beliefs while listening and comprehending to the diverse opinions of others, maintains positive perseverance in the face of opposition, and holds a healthy balance between fortitude and humility.” –Krista Chavez, Sophomore

2. Being Supportive and Serving Others: A strong leader builds others up because a successful team depends on the skills and opinions of all members involved. Without encouraging and supporting others, a leader cannot inspire and promote change in her community.

“A leader is someone who stands for what they believe in and supports others.” –Cassandra Pena, Sophomore

“Leadership is serving others, being a voice for the voiceless, and understanding the needs of others.” –Alex Torres, Sophomore

"Strong leadership stems from mutual trust between a leader and her team. Trust is earned by managing expectations through honest and open communications while providing unwavering support." -Kali Linette, Senior

3. Having Goals and a plan: Part of being a leader is being able to initiate projects and accomplish both short-term and long-term goals! Planning requires both innate and learned skills such as time management, organization, and initiative. Without these skills a leader cannot spark change in her community.

At the core, the definition of a strong leader could be a myriad of things and ultimately depends on what we determine as "strong." However, for me a strong leader is anyone who has clear, equal and attainable goals in mind with a plan to achieve such in a just way fair to everyone while still being open to others' ideas regardless if they support or oppose the leader's.” - Elizabeth Ogunsuyi, Freshman

“I think a strong leader is someone who has the initiative to help others and complete goals.  They make tough decisions and take responsibility.” – Paige Lisicki, Freshman

What traits do YOU believe are necessary for a strong leader to have? Comment and share this article, and support your peers on the road to self-development.

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